We have a special passion
"It's easy to make a cheap product. It's easy to make an expensive product. What is hard, is to offer great value."
Great value is about the best features in the market, in a beautiful design, in a sustainable and durable quality, still at a very good price. This is what we stand for, those are HAPPI products we design.
H for Hapiness
We make products that radiate fun, they shine hapiness.
A for Affordability
Our products offer a great balance between quality, features and price. Not cheap low-quality, not expensive, just great value.
P for Pure designs and Pure materials
We create simple yet effective designs with sustainable materials or in sustainable quality.
P for Playful Progress
Every product we offer inspires for active playing, for kids to develop their motor skills at an early age.
I for Innovative design
All this with simplicity and functionality in mind. That’s where the innovation and creativity comes into play.

"And if a product is beautifully designed, doesn't it deserve a beautiful packaging?"
We all like to give a nice present to our friends, kids or cousin. So is the packaging not part of the surprise? Let us surprise you with an innovative product in a beautiful packaging.